Starfield TMS/LMS Mobile (Starfield)

Role: Front-end developer, UI/UX Designer Timeline: 2013-2014 Tools: HTML/CSS, Adobe Photoshop, JQuery, Javascript, JIRA

Overview: Starfield was a company that focused on creating software for two main purposes, TMS and LMS. Their TMS or talent management system helped companies manage their employees when it came to things like tracking skills, accomplishments, goals, and performance reviews. Their LMS or learning management system provided a catalogue of online courses and exams that could be accessed online by employees wanting to learn new skills or become certified in particular items. Starfield invested in their mobile app during 2013-2014 to bring these tools to mobile users with the mission of bringing real-time feedback to the forefront, potentially eliminating the need for annual reviews in favor of more immediate feedback.

How I worked: The Starfield mobile app was my first professional project. Starfield was a small startup, and despite being hired on as a front-end software engineer, I saw a strong need for a designer role within the company. Starfield had no resources at the time to hire for the role, so I stepped into the position in addition to my engineering role to help fill the needed gap for our team. I found myself falling in love with the role and from there eventually sought my way into a formal design position after Ascentis acquired Starfield.

Much of what I brought as a designer stemmed from my formal education (B.S. Interactive media), and from self-taught methods (reading books and articles, participating in community tech meetups). I met with our stakeholders and other engineers to gather insights about our customers and engage in brainstorming sessions. I took notes from these sessions and created rough wireframes either on paper or using Adobe Photoshop. These sketches were shared with the team and with clients to help solidify our design direction.

We were able to create a mobile app that, especially for the time, I am quite proud of. It had all the core functionality needed for an LMS and TMS offering and was positively received by many of Starfield’s users. It utilized several design patterns way back in 2013 that I see trending in the modern day, such as the bottom navigation icons, commenting, and feed-style elements.